How Much Is A Bottle Of 1958 Dom Perignon Worth?


2 Answers

Kristi DeMilta Profile
Kristi DeMilta answered
Dom Perignon generally runs in the $100+ range. For example, a 1998 bottle of Dom Perignon can cost you around $140, or a 1996 bottle can cost you $156. The older it is, the more expensive it becomes. Another example is for one that's aged to 1983 will run you $389.

For a 1958, I can't say for sure, but a 1959 bottle will cost about $1,813. I hope that helps.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Depends, if it was special edition brand of Dom from 1958 your looking at a lot more money but if was regularly bottled champagne not as much.
     I bet you it's worth at least $1500. I have a few cases of Dom from the 80's that I have saved over the years, but frankly their to sentimental in my family so I don't want to sell them. I hoped this helped! Good Luck selling the bubbles!

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