Go to yahoo Coins and Currency category, under hobbies >>> then collecting. dir.yahoo.com You will find lots of sites covering the art of coin collecting, and many sub-categories. In subcategory "Companies", you will find coin universe. This site offers price guidelines. Your dime could worth from 10 dollar to 1100 dollar. Hope that helps
I have a 1913 one penney in good con
What is a 1942,43,44,45 silver nickels worth?
What is a 1943 steel cent uncirculated worth?
What are the 1944,45,46 shell case cent worth?
What is a 1943 steel cent uncirculated worth?
What are the 1944,45,46 shell case cent worth?
Is my 1944 coin worth money
1956 pennie
Dollar 1775 to 1976 has a bell on the back
2 pound coin
I have a 1776-1976 quarter dollar along with pure silver dimes,quarter,nickel,half dollar coin that is pure silver,and a 1922 one dollar coin that is pure silver. What is the value of each of them coins?