How much is my singer electric sewing machine worth model no 221k it is in its own portable carry case all parts original oil can and instruction book with it it has a form no.k5710a
According to the serial number lists it's a 1951 Singer Featherweight 221K made in Scotland. Does that match?
If so, it depends on condition. An absolutely pristine machine (and I don't mean 'good shape for its age'--- I mean it literally looks like it just came home from the store, absolutely zero nicks or scratches, no musty smell, maintained well and ready to sew 24/7) might fetch $400 on eBay on a good day. In good working condition with normal wear and little to no paint/decal damage more like $200-$300. If it needs any service at all that knocks down the price accordingly as plenty of sewing machine shops will charge that much just to clean it, adjust it, lubricate it, and replace any worn bits.
That's in the States. In, eg, the UK these machines are much more common and worth correspondingly less. Also, they were made for sale in many countries. If the motor on yours doesn't match the power where you're selling it (eg, a 220V motor on a machine in the States is useless) you probably won't be able to sell the machine for much.
You're a bit lucky-- this is just about the only vintage Singer model that has held its value. All the old Singers are fantastic machines, but there are so many of them, there's literally 100 machines available for every person looking to own one. The Featherweights were not especially popular when they were made so now that they're popular today supply is closer to demand.
If so, it depends on condition. An absolutely pristine machine (and I don't mean 'good shape for its age'--- I mean it literally looks like it just came home from the store, absolutely zero nicks or scratches, no musty smell, maintained well and ready to sew 24/7) might fetch $400 on eBay on a good day. In good working condition with normal wear and little to no paint/decal damage more like $200-$300. If it needs any service at all that knocks down the price accordingly as plenty of sewing machine shops will charge that much just to clean it, adjust it, lubricate it, and replace any worn bits.
That's in the States. In, eg, the UK these machines are much more common and worth correspondingly less. Also, they were made for sale in many countries. If the motor on yours doesn't match the power where you're selling it (eg, a 220V motor on a machine in the States is useless) you probably won't be able to sell the machine for much.
You're a bit lucky-- this is just about the only vintage Singer model that has held its value. All the old Singers are fantastic machines, but there are so many of them, there's literally 100 machines available for every person looking to own one. The Featherweights were not especially popular when they were made so now that they're popular today supply is closer to demand.