The Disney Princess Wishes Card Game is designed for children aged 4 and upwards. It is a game designed to help your wishes come true and it will certainly help young girls let their imagination run riot. It is great to have wishes and dreams when you are younger and this game really gives your child the chance to lose themselves in their dreams.
The game is for 2-4 players and no reading is required so it will not take a lot of educational skills for your children to play this game. There are 38 cards within the game as well as 4 wishes come true cards and 5 magic mirror cards. It is a fun game to play with the family and whilst you may be a little old for it, everybody could do with a little escapism and wishing time!
The game is for 2-4 players and no reading is required so it will not take a lot of educational skills for your children to play this game. There are 38 cards within the game as well as 4 wishes come true cards and 5 magic mirror cards. It is a fun game to play with the family and whilst you may be a little old for it, everybody could do with a little escapism and wishing time!