What is poker?


7 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Poker is a card game.
A poker could also be someone that pokes or a device to poke things.

Maurice Korvo Profile
Maurice Korvo , Lest we forget, answered

Its a tool commonly used to tend a small fire.


otis otiscambell Profile

A card game if you want to try something crazy try Mexican sweat, it's a version of poker but crazy fun

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Poker is the family of card games which is a deck of 52 cards. Some people says that it is the game of luck and some says it is a game of skills and strategies. But according to me it is the game of skills. All the time, luck will not work. If your skills are strong then definitely your luck will work. Some people play poker for  fun and some play to earn money. But in both cases, the aim is to win. 

In poker game, all the variants involve betting as an essential part of the game and determine the winner by searching the particular combination of cards in each hand.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Poker is the family of card games which is a deck of 52 cards.
Some people says that it is the game of luck and some says it is a game of
skills and strategies. But according to me it is the game of skills. All the
time, luck will not work. If your skills are strong then definitely your
luck will work. Some people play poker for fun and some play to earn
money. But in both cases, the aim is to win. 

In poker
game, all the variants involve betting as an essential part of the game and
determine the winner by searching the particular combination of cards in each

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