
Is Chess Played By Nerds And Geeks Only?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well initially it used to be believed that chess is just a game designed for people who are intellectual and born with good brains. However this norm quickly changed a few years back when chess was re born amongst people as a fun game.

Many people think this is boring game and only nerdy and old people with huge glasses play chess. However this is not the case and many people have developed interest for this game as it is very challenging and requires a tactical mind to play and win a good chess game.

It is one of the best mental exercises for the brain and stimulates a person's intellectual side. In fact all colleges and universities have a chess club especially designed for those students who have interests in playing chess. It was revealed that half of the students were not even nerds or geeks in fact were average students only, but since they had the interest for chess, they signed in for the club and became members.

These days every library, store book, coffee shop, hotel and house has a chess board. Reason simply being the increase in the popularity of the chess game because it helps people in relaxing and use their analytical side.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Relaxing??? Are you joking? Chess can get very stressful. Enough to make you lose in a tournament.

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