A dollar is the currency of many countries but in this answer, will concentrate on the United States of America. The US has been suffering from quite a weak currency against the UK Pound Sterling in the last six months. Below I have list today's prices for a dollar against a number of major world currencies. (Please remember that most European currencies were discontinued in favour of the Single European Currency, called the EURO, fondly known as the Yo-Yo.) Clearly, these prices were correct when I entered them but may have changed by the time you read this.
One Dollar will get you 50p (0.509) Pounds Sterling
One Dollar will get you 76c (0.761) Euro
One Dollar will get you 1.27 Australian Dollars
One Dollar will get you 1.239 Swiss Francs
One Dollar will get you 10.917 Mexican Pesos
One Dollar will get you 120.8 Japanese Yen
One Dollar will get you 7.7565 Chinese Yuan
One Dollar will get you 5.678 Danish Kroner
One Dollar will get you 50p (0.509) Pounds Sterling
One Dollar will get you 76c (0.761) Euro
One Dollar will get you 1.27 Australian Dollars
One Dollar will get you 1.239 Swiss Francs
One Dollar will get you 10.917 Mexican Pesos
One Dollar will get you 120.8 Japanese Yen
One Dollar will get you 7.7565 Chinese Yuan
One Dollar will get you 5.678 Danish Kroner