I have tipped the waitress/waiter and sent complaints to the manager about the food. It isn't fair the way that people leave them out, they are in that kitchen in that God awful heat, preparing this meal for you, and they are rarely recognized for what they do. Hope ya like my answer DK
Depends on the service tips could be 10-20%
As a restaurant worker for over 20 years, I demand the service that I give. A server's tip starts at 15% and goes up or down, depending on their performance in my opinion. This girl really screwed the cow as far as service to you. It sounds like she's a moron and has never reached the goal of properly serving the customer's every need. I would leave her spare change and write a note on your check or charge slip to be assured that her absence of service gets to management...if you write it on a charge slip, it goes to UPPER management. Always leave something, as it looks like you are cheap if you don't, but if you leave a nickle and an explanation, the server has an opportunity to learn from the situation and the management can further observe this waitress's service to see if she treats other customers the same way and determine if she represents the way that the restaurant wants their business to be run...thus, they should fire her if it repeats.
Try this tip calculator free that helps you to calculate your tip amount instantly!!