
How Do I Prepare Mentally For A Karate Competition?


2 Answers

Mark Westbrook Profile
Mark Westbrook answered
One of the best ways to mentally prepare is to use mental visualisation. Find somewhere quiet, without distracts, where you can lay down but won't fall asleep. Now close your eyes and picture yourself in your mind, strong, fast, agile, ready to fight. See yourself in your mind's eye. Breath slowly and calmly through your mouth, to attain a deep relaxed breath throughout your diaphragm.

Next imagine that you are at the karate competition and you are facing your first opponent, bow to the referee in your mind, then to your opponent and finally begin, see yourself throwing combinations of techniques, each landing on your opponent, imagine doing this when he is throwing combinations of hand strikes and kicks, see yourself blocking, evading, avoiding and counter-striking. Do this for however long you feel is necessary. Then imagine the referee taking your arm and announcing you as winner.

Do this every day leading up to the tournament. You are a winner. What do winners do? They win.
Rodney Murray Profile
Rodney Murray answered
I believe the best way to prepare mentally is to "do your best" in the dojo every night you train. Forget there are others and keep your mind focused on each step, each strike, each block, and each kick. Practice the forms daily (maybe once slow and perfect, then slow and powerful, once fast...very fast, but correct, and lastly... Do it the way you would if 1500 degrees of black belts were watching.

Spar with protection so you may learn what works for you and your body type the best...but use good form for best power.

This done...should there be any doubt in your mind that you are ready! The next and important thing is to "know your opponent" and that is done by studying the techniques of Chinese, Korean, etc. Example: S. Chinese (hands, close range); Korean (feet, jumping, spinning). Know how each is executed and how they begin. Specifically study and watch the next opponent you fight. Don't be talking be watching! Watch the best of the best... For the blueprint to be etched upon your mind through visualisation...don't watch losers they can't teach you anything. Lastly, spar with those who are better than you. You do not get better sparring those of less abilities...even though your ego will grow. Remember also that "there never was a horse that couldn't be rode, and never a cowboy that couldn't be throwed!" On any given day the "champs" can loose... Today that day has come!

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