
Gries Sports Enterprises V. Cleveland Browns Football Company Who Should Win?


2 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
The question of who should have won is a matter of legality and ethics. The case in question involves the allegedly unethical practice of manipulating financial documents to help a company make up for financial losses on a piece of property.

In the case, it was accused that financial papers were altered. A piece of property was purchased in the Cleveland suburb of Strongsville, intended to be the site of a new Cleveland Browns football stadium in the near future. It was suggested in the lawsuit that in order to compensate for the financial losses incurred by this purchase, financial paperwork having to do with other aspects of the Cleveland Browns were changed or altered in some way.

The case itself made Ohio history. It served as a reminder of the legal, moral and ethical responsibility which a company has toward its shareholders. Shareholders were not made aware of any alleged altering or financial records. The case asked whether or not this was ethically proper.

It is impossible to say who should have won the case Gries Sports Enterprises vs. Cleveland Browns Football Company. The question can't be answered with any certainty. Like many court cases, it comes down to what is fair. What is fair is very different depending on the circumstances, the amount of money involved, and the viewpoints of those deciding the case.

Cases like this serve as wonderful examples of the true nature of law. This case is a great example of the fact that justice is not always black and white. There is often a grey area, and deciding a case depends heavily on negotiating that grey area.

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