
Can A Pawn Move Diagonally In Chess?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A pawn may only move forward, and may only attack diagonally.

However, there is a rule called "En passant"
It occurs when one of your pawns is stationed in the fifth row, and an enemy pawn in an adjacent column attempts to advance two squares on its first move.
Normally the enemy pawn would evade capture (remember, pawns attack on the diagonal). By employing an en passant, you can move your piece diagonally to the empty square behind the enemy pawn to capture it. This is legal only if executed immediately following the enemy pawn's first move.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pawn can only move forward (vertically). It can only move diagonally when you capture opponent's piece. (only one-step diagonal). Again, this is only at the time of capturing. Normally, it will move forward.

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