I also have "The Rittenhouse Grandfather Clock " with the certificate of authenticity made by the Pearl Clock Company. My grandmother purchased it in 1985 as a limited edition of 6000 through the Franklin Mint. The purchase price was $900 but I don't know the value of the clock now.
Nobody can tell you the exact date. The Rittenhouse Clocks were made in the 18th and 19th century- It was first created by David Rittenhouse. (about david's life >>> www.oldandsold.com
Nowadays, you will find these clocks only in museums. If you have one of these, you can worth it yourself. Try to sell these to any museum. You can't tell the exact date if you don't have even its serial number or any other identity code.
Nowadays, you will find these clocks only in museums. If you have one of these, you can worth it yourself. Try to sell these to any museum. You can't tell the exact date if you don't have even its serial number or any other identity code.
Briton 0041001