Looking for Montgomery Ward Manual Model uht j1839 E50190 YM40 8
Try scouting around at The flea market...
Thank you very much for this information. I will try calling Sears.
Did you find a manual ? I have one I could copy for you ....
Sears took over the service contract for Montgomery Wards appliances , Call the 1800 customer service # and press 1 for parts and service. Give them the make and model # of your machine.. if they have the manual they will send it to you for cost + s/h.
No, I didn't find a manual. If you have one, please let me know and I will pay you for a copy. Let me know what I need to do to get a copy from you. THANKS so much.
Does anyone still have a copy of this manual? It would be great if you could email it to me.
In your Google search engine window, type MONTGOMERY WARDS SEWING MACHINE MANUALS. Press your ENTER key and wait. Soon you'll see a list of several web sites including Montgomery Wards. I clicked on the first web site and, lo and behold, located the Instruction Manual for my UHT J1980 machine, among many, many other Montgomery Wards models and other brands. Not comfortable with ordering online, I printed out the mail order form. The header on the form is a P.O. Box for Russ McCoy. I'm going to take a chance and try it. Good luck.