plague... Ring around the rosy... Best see a doctor.
graphite is made from carbon, and we seem to have an excess of carbon, so I doubt if it will run out in the foreseeable future.
That person from webnovel must have very sore fingers this morning. Page after page of story questions.
From reading the ads on here, I think it is like the old magazines, which published part of a story each week, so the buyer had to buy next weeks magazine to see what happened next. This Web novel thing seems to be the same, you get the first couple of chapters free, then must β¦ Read more
33 pages of it by 11am Eastern time.. It is stupid.
Well, the owner may get tired of it filling up his memory with pages of "have you read this?" (unless the spammers are paying for the use)
The more people he can get to check out the website (webnovel), the closer it gets to the beginning on google when someone searches for novels online, thus the more business he gets. So spam a site like this, and maybe some of the folks will check his site.
I guess then the Universe would be made up of neutrons, and be all the same with gravity, but no electromagnetic waves.
depending upon setup, I would guess at 1 day, or 1 year
I've had them, but like chicken wings, there is not much meat on them, and the flavour is primarily dependent upon the seasonings and sauce.
What is an SCR? Silicon controlled rectifier, or saturable core reactor?
Depends where you are.. Here it is $1.04 plus tax, which equals $1.10 (these being Canadian dollars) I also get free refills and a newspaper for that price. I know some places in the US give free senior coffee, so it depends totally upon where you live.
Do we need "White Hats"? And why?
Yes so pull your car over jump in the back seat and take a snooze