Have you ever been on a zip-line?


8 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

No way! 😣😝😨

My daughter went on a church youth retreat one weekend... And came back saying how she had fun then got scared sitting and waiting on a platform in a tree but once she jumped off the cliff hanging on by a harness and cable it was a freeing experience... All I heard was my church threw my baby off a cliff! 😅 I probably wouldn't have let her go had I known cliff's and cables were involved. It was a last minute "hay how many of you teens wanna do this before we go home" kind of thing! 😅 Or maybe she didn't tell me zip lining was part of the experience cuz she wanted to go. 🤔 next time I read the fine print on the permission slip! 😅

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I never think i was on a Zip-line .

Flora Huang Profile
Flora Huang answered

Yes I have about two years ago with my brother. It was so fun even though my brother for scared and I became mean and laughed at him

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Yes! I have been on the longest one in the world. It is at Icy Point in Alaska. My mom who was 73 at the time rode down next to me. There were 10 people in my family that went.

Icy Point Zipline

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