Would you rather go fishing or bug catching?


10 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I love to fish....as long as I'm using top water baits and someone else takes the fish off! I used to like to catch lightning bugs in a jar and watch them when I was a kid, now, I just like to watch em outside!

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Go sight-seeing to see one of these  πŸ³ 🐬 🐟 🐠 πŸ‹ 🐑 on one of these  β›΅ πŸ›³ πŸ›₯ β›΄ 🚒.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Who really wants to go bug catching? Seriously. Children? Entomologists?... Bats?               Small, curious demographic. 

Fishing is a religion in some places, a livelihood in others, and quite the favored activity around here. I place it above hobby but below obsession.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Roy Roy,

It was Fathers' Day 2011 and I was 66 years old...in Iowa...and I saw lightning bugs for the first time ever, I was so delighted at their beauty!

Then on Ask.com I met our resident Dragonfly...well long story short I love bugs now, and so I say bug Watching.

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

I'd rather be a fisher than a bugger.

10 People thanked the writer.
Janis Haskell
Janis Haskell commented
You always have a way with words, Didge :)
Didge Doo
Didge Doo commented
Thank you, Janis. Actually in Australia it's possible to be a fisher and a bugger at the same time because we have a beastie called a Balmain Bug which is both a bug and a crayfish. Ugliest thing you'll ever see but delicious eating.
Janis Haskell
Janis Haskell commented
Okay! Yum :)
Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Fishing for sure.

Nealious James Profile
Nealious James answered

Hi Roy! I would definitely go fishing! It’s an amazing pastime and since I am a pretty patient person, it suits me well to sit for hours and wait for a bite. Also note that fish is a very healthy way to get our recommended daily protein intake. I normally cook everything that I catch myself!

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