
In a boys varsity volleyball game, a student went in the middle of a game and played a saxophone. The Home team got distracted, and then lost to the other team. Is it the student's fault or the Home team's fault?


5 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Unless the kid actually went onto the court DURING the game and interrupted it ... The team is to "blame" for losing.  They're the ones who actually played the game.  It's their "job" to focus on the game, and not on distractions - including crowd noise.

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

It's the referee's faults for allowing that to happen and make any disturbance.  In fairness, they should probably replay whatever part of the game it interrupted.

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Barb Cala
Barb Cala commented
Making noise is one thing .. but getting in the middle of the game while it's in progress is unacceptable.
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
Yeah ... it's hard to tell from the question whether the saxophone player actually went onto the court or not.

"went in the middle of a game" could be the student started playing during the middle of a game, or they went onto the court.
Anonymous Inquirer
I would say it's the student's fault because he's the one who made the distraction during the game. This shouldn't happen when it comes to a middle of a game. It's not good to distract someone to ruin their play when they're in the middle of the game. Usually when it comes to a varsity game, saxophones are one of the things that make unnecessary and disruptive noises.

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