
On the allgirlarcade spark city star coin cheat, do you have to get exactly 5000 gems or can you get over 5000?


1 Answers

Elizabeth Leake Profile
Elizabeth Leake answered
You can get the star coin cheat with either exactly 5000 gems or over 5000. As long as you have a minimum of 5000 gems the cheat will activate and work on all girl arcade.

  • Spark city cheats
There are many different Spark City cheats. It is just a case of looking at the different forums for any others that you may want to use

  • Spark City World
All girl arcade Spark City World is a website specifically aimed at the female audience. If you think about the Sims online and then add in some games then you are part of the way there to getting an idea of what this game is about. The game is similar to other online social communities such as Habbo hotel and penguin club.
On this game you get your own "pad" to decorate with different colors and furniture. There is also several mini games you can play to earn gems which go towards buying clothing or something for your pad or towards star coins which are extra special coins.

  • Security online
Spark City allows young girls to socialize online in a more controlled environment than most chat rooms.  On its parent's guide the website is promoted as a website aimed at girls, focusing on creativity and expression through fashion, decorating, gaming and interacting with friends. The website is free of charge to become a standard member but if you want to be a vip member it does charge you.

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