Can You Find The Value Of X: 0.12-0.34x=0.56?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
0.12 - 0.34x = 0.56  can be simplified by multiplying both sides by 100

12 - 34x = 56

now does that look easier?

Now subtract 12 from both sides

-34x = 44

    x = -44/34

    x = -22/17

Obviously we could have solved it using the original values, but this method can reduces the chance of error.

Now, to double check it;

0.12 - 0.34(-22/17) =? 0.56

-0.34(-22/17) =? 0.44

(34/100)(22/17) =? 0.44

(44/100) = 0.44

Yes, it checks
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To make this a little easier to work with, multiply both sides of the equation by 100 to get rid of the decimals.

0.12 - 0.34x = 0.56

multiply both sides of equation by 100

12 - 34X = 56

subtract 12 from both sides of the equation to get the X's in terms of everything else.

12 - 34X - 12 = 56 - 12

-34X = 44

now divide both sides by -34 to get the X by itself

(-34X)/34 = 44/-34

X = -1.294118

Hope this helps

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