I Have A 5 Thread Yamato Industrial Serger, Model DCZ-361A-D2 Does Anyone Have Operation Instructions / Threading Instructions?


5 Answers

SHARON RYAN answered
I do have the manual such as it is.  It is probably the worst instruction manual ever created but I would be willing to send you a copy via email if you like,  I must admit, that even with the manual, it's still a beast to thread.  It is without a doubt the most complicated thread path ever designed.  Let me know if you want me to email the manual.
thanked the writer.
View all 8 Comments
jose antonio s.r.
hola,yo tengo la misma maquina.¿podrias enviarme el manual de instrucciones?
muchas gracias .
un saludo
Nic Ellender
Nic Ellender commented
Please could you send me the manual? nice(at)sugarbay.co.za
Denim Head
Denim Head commented
Would you mind sending me a photo of the threading diagram from the Yamato 361 from the manual? Thanks.
Donna Watson Profile
Donna Watson answered

I have started teaching FCS classes (aka Home Ec) in Abilene ISD (Abilene, TX) .  There are two of these machines in my classroom but no instruction manual.  I've been sewing my whole life but have no idea how to thread this beast.  Is is a Yamato serger purchased in 1977.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Arun Kumar Profile
Arun Kumar answered

You have to access in all function to delete the all history easily in your browser such the access easily in to delete bing history search best feature in windows for save the all update online.

Ann corless Profile
Ann corless answered
I have the same machine and still have not found a manual online.
But still I have not worked out how to sort the thread paths.
Ay help form Mrs Ryan would be a great help.

Many thaks
thanked the writer.
Ann corless
Ann corless commented
Al Last I have manage to find a user manual on ebay and was it send by pdf email the gentlemen has more copy if anyone is interested.

The manual as everything you need to know in it, from threading paths to maintenance and setting up Needles sizes and more.

I was also sent a parts list should i need any spares.
David Tan
David Tan commented
Hello Ann Corless, i tried to find it again on ebay. But it's gone. Can you help me where else to find it?

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