
How To Get G Coins In Tinier Me Without Buying Them?


2 Answers

Joe McHugh Profile
Joe McHugh answered
According to the official website for Tinier Me, you cannot get free G Coins, although there are ways to get "free” Facebook credits and use those to play Tinier Me on Facebook.

Tinier Me is available in a more limited application on Facebook and in its full version from the official Tinier Me site. Facebook credits are used in place of G Coins for playing Tinier Me while on the social networking site. Facebook credits can be obtained through various promotional offers on the site, like completing surveys and participating in other programs, but the quickest and most surefire way of getting these credits is by purchasing them outright from Facebook, just as you would need to purchase G Coins on the Tinier Me site.

You can legitimately earn Facebook credits by going to "My Account” on Facebook. From there, you will go to the "Payments” tab. Here you will see your credit balance and off to the right there will be a link to "buy more credits.” Click on that link and a new window will open asking for your payment method.  Click on the link for "more payment options” at the bottom of the initial list. This will open more options, one of which is "earn credits.” Clicking here  will open all of the official Facebook promotions through which you can earn credits to use in place of G Coins when playing Tinier Me on the Facebook site.

Keep in mind that Earning Facebook Credits by participating in a promotional program is not the same thing as getting "free coins.” There have been several recent scams where hackers have used the offer of Free G Coins on Facebook to entice users into providing personal information, including financial data, login information, etc. 

The Tinier Me security team advises users that whether playing Tinier Me through the official website or through the Facebook Application, you should never give your password or login to anyone. The Tinier Me security team will never ask for your password if they were to contact you.  Check out the Tinier Me site for more specific information on these recent scams.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes,you can participate in their sponsor offers like downloading a game or signing up in a website.They have a pretty good list of sponsors that will be easy to get g coins from,Go under "Buy coins" and scroll to the bottom for the list ^^

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