(1) Conspicuous Consumption - Term used to describe lavish spending on goods and services acquired mainly for the purpose of displaying income or wealth (Source: Wikipedia)
Example: If I were to purchase a golden cup, it would not be because I wanted/needed it, but so that I could essentially 'show-off' my wealth.
(2) Vicarious Leisure - Leisure engaged in by wives/servants as evidence of the wealth of the master. (Source: ls.poly.edu If my servants can spend their time doing leisurely activities as well as I, I must be well off.
(3) Conspicuous Leisure - Term denotes visible leisure for sake of displaying social status (Source: Wikipedia)
Example: If I were to use the golden cup from earlier, it is not because I had no other cups OR because I was thirsty, but simply for the fact that I wanted to show off my wealth (again).
~~In addition:
Vicarious Consumption - "When we see a butler in a tuxedo, a benefit accrues not to the butler but his "master." The butler is consuming vicariously for his boss." (Source: www.cultureby.com
Example: If I were to purchase a golden cup, it would not be because I wanted/needed it, but so that I could essentially 'show-off' my wealth.
(2) Vicarious Leisure - Leisure engaged in by wives/servants as evidence of the wealth of the master. (Source: ls.poly.edu If my servants can spend their time doing leisurely activities as well as I, I must be well off.
(3) Conspicuous Leisure - Term denotes visible leisure for sake of displaying social status (Source: Wikipedia)
Example: If I were to use the golden cup from earlier, it is not because I had no other cups OR because I was thirsty, but simply for the fact that I wanted to show off my wealth (again).
~~In addition:
Vicarious Consumption - "When we see a butler in a tuxedo, a benefit accrues not to the butler but his "master." The butler is consuming vicariously for his boss." (Source: www.cultureby.com