How Do I Change Coin Amount To Play Darts On A Spectrum Dart Star 2000 Medalist Dart Board?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Flip dip switch #1 on the motherboard.  Operator settings will come up.   Go to game settings.   Each individual game< for example 501> has a happy hour and regular play value submenu.  Go to regular play and enter a value of "0" by hitting the 10 segment on the board-face.  Hit the player change button to save and then scroll down to the exit submenu.    You have to change it this way for each individual game.  

Note:  If dip switch #8 is aligned different from the other switches change it to the setting that all the other switches are.  Dip switch #8 automatically reverses all "free" games and changes all the games to the factory credit settings.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is  little wire inside, behind where you but the quarters in, just flip it down and it'll give you credits.

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