Required Tools
•Heavy-duty construction paper
•Paper Fastener
•Wood stick approximately 12” long and 2” wide.
Build your windmill model
1.Download the pattern and print it out.
2.Glue the pattern to stiff construction paper or cardboard.
3.Cut the pattern out carefully.
4.Push a paper fastener through the center of the windmill blades and into the piece of wood.
5.Glue or tape the windmill vane in place.
6.Stick the wood carefully into the ground and watch. The blades of the windmill will slowly begin to turn.
7.Consider how you might use the energy created from this small project to demonstrate wind power.
•Cut the pattern carefully. The aerodynamic design of the blades is critical to the function of the windmill.
•If you are determined to attempt a bigger windmill, buy a well-designed set of plans. Consider getting expert assistance or having an expert build the windmill for you.